frequently asked questions


Can I recommend other gyms and operators for inclusion?
We cannot currently take your recommendations for gyms but please be assured we do actively recruit. Please check back in the future to see the other gyms we have added. Please note, we do only work with gyms who can offer an online joining facility to YourFitnessClub users.
How do I join?
Through your membership association portal, you’ll get a secure URL directing you to our site, and then through to your chosen gym.
Can I have a free trial?
We recommend asking your gym if this is an option, most gyms are happy to provide the opportunity to trial facilities prior to joining.
What discount am I entitled to?
The discounts available are at the Gym’s/Club’s discretion. In most cases, the details of the offer are presented in “The Offer” sections within the club listing. Some gyms may prefer you to contact them to confirm their current offer.
What will my membership cost?
This depends on the gym you join and in some cases the length of contract that you select.
I am already a member at the gym, can I still get a discount?
Unfortunately if you are already a member there isn’t an option to get the discount. This scheme is for new members only.
My question has not been answered?
If we haven’t been able to answer your question, please give us a call on 0345 300 6474 to talk to someone in the team
What is a multi-activity membership?
This allows you to access thousands of activities and classes all via one membership. It's ideal for those travelling or if you just like variety.
What is digital fitness?
Digital fitness subscriptions allow you to exercise in the comfort of your own home, hotel room or outside. There are huge varieties of offerings all delivered online.